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Christina Mauser Scholarship Award

The Rose Bowl Institute, in partnership with the Christina Mauser Foundation, will recognize four female athletes this year. In an effort to propel equal opportunity for women in the academic and corporate industries, we are pleased to offer scholarship opportunities to young ambitious female student athletes.

Scholarship Opportunities

Edison High School

Huntington Beach, CA

$5,000 to an Edison High School senior female athlete – CLOSED FOR SUBMISSIONS

Hispanic U.S. Resident

$5,000 to a Hispanic female high school senior athlete resident of the U.S. – 


Resident of California

$5,000 to a female high school senior athlete, resident of California – CLOSED FOR SUBMISSIONS

U.S. Resident

$5,000 to a female high school senior athlete resident of the U.S. (outside of California) – 


Selection Criteria

Using the selection criteria below, coaches and/or teaches will have the opportunity to nominate one individual. The Christina Mauser Foundation will select the award recipients, one for each division, from the pool of nominees.


The nominee must embody Christina’s spirit and characteristics, such as organization, hard work, leadership, humility, and empathy for people. Nominees must be a current High School Senior female student athlete.


The Christina Mauser Foundation will select each award recipient based on the following criteria:

  • Sportsmanship (respect coaches, officials, opponents, teammates)

  • Commitment (toward practices, games and continued improvement)

  • Honesty (playing by rules, character)

  • Positive attitude and enthusiasm for their sport both on and off the field/court

  • Toughness (both mental and physical)

  • Work Ethic

  • Teamwork

  • Leadership

  • Focus and Discipline

  • Perseverance (overcoming challenges)​


Coach and/or teacher nomination submission deadline:  March 1, 2024

Submission from three finalists of 1-3 min. video deadline: May 1, 2024

Scholarship award recipients to be announced: June 2024

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